Anti Tiktok Union

Who and What is the Anti Tiktok Union?

The Anti Tiktok union was founded by African Warlord#9456 (now Chris hansen#6589) on October 11th of 2021 with the co-owners being Sopex#6572, Doctor Carter#7926, and brah#5330, yes quite young. The Anti Tiktok's "Older Brother" is the Thot Police Department which was founded by brah#5330 sometime around 2018-2019w, the Anti Tiktok Union rose to power after the Thot Police Unfortunately fell due to irrelevance

Why do we hate Tiktok?

We hate tiktok for many reasons, the major ones are: Spyware working for CCP, Increased depression/anxiety levels in teens, highly addictive app, pedophile hotspot, stupid "challenges", and overall cringe dehumanizing content. Click here for a detailed "essay/article" explaining these reasons

Where can I join or contact the Anti TikTok Union?

Here are a list of ways you can join

If you want to contact us about an issue, please use the discord or subreddit and DM an admin

ONE LAST THING, we worked hard to build this site, so if you'd like to, please click here for the credits and to see everyone who contributed to this website